Thursday, April 22, 2010

It's almost time to go!

Bonjour mes amis.  I am excited to begin this blog in order to record and share some of our memories of Paris in the Springtime.  We head out on Monday morning, and arrive in Paris at 7 am on Tuesday.  Paris is 7 hours ahead.

The *plan* is for me to upload photos and share what we're up to day by day.  I can envision myself in a cafe, taking a break each afternoon, people watching and blogging.  That's the plan.  We'll see.

If you want to be notified of each posting, please sign up as a follower.  All you need is an email address.

I won't be sending out notices, so, sign up to follow, or check in often.

The photos above were taken by Lon.  He and Nancy went to Paris last year, and shared some photos with me.   Until I get there to take my own, I thought I'd whet our appetites with his  photos of the Notre Dame and the Eiffel Tower.  Aren't they great?  Our apartment, by the way, is just blocks from the Eiffel Tower, and I am very excited about that!

Yes, we rented a tiny apartment in the 7th arrondisement, with one of the best Paris outdoor markets just down the street.  Si francaise!

PLEASE say hello through the comments.  I'd love to know who's reading.

I might blog again before we leave ... otherwise ... see you Tuesday!  -graciered


  1. Hey-
    Such beautiful photos from Lon. Let me be the first to comment! "See you" on Tuesday! I don't know what profile to select below.... so i did anonymous. I'll just check in on this site every day. Karen

  2. Hi Grace! I am so excited for your trip of a lifetime! Will be following. Love you --Susan
