Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Au Revoir Le Tour Eiffel

Well...what a day! Sainte Chapelle, Musee D'Orsay, Galleries Lafayette, and Le Cordon Bleu.  A bus, a train and a metro.

We happily made it back to the Eiffel Tower after our cooking class in time to watch the twinkling lights one last time. Sigh.  We did get a couple new amazing photos of the twinklers.

I'll blog from the airport tomorrow morning. We'll be getting there two and a half hours early in order to avoid rush hour traffic. We're almost packed, and we'll have a quick snooze before heading out at 7 am.

What an amazing eight days it has been. Bon Soir. -g

1 comment:

  1. Thanks so much for sharing, Grace. I've enjoyed every post! :)
